Building Resilience for More Robust Leadership

Reading time: 2 minutes

Hi, it’s back on the Learn, Grow, Succeed podcast.  Thanks as ever for listening, it’s a privilege to be part of your learning journey and something we really value at Excel.

To say 2020 has been crazy is an understatement.  Since the second world war it is probably one of the most impactful years in history at an economic, professional and personal level.  One thing I’m really noticing in clients at a personal level and business level, as well as amoungst my friends and family, is that everything we’ve been through in 2020 has really tested our levels of resilience.  In fact, a recent PWC study noted that employee wellbeing is now in the top-3 most important factors for CEOs globally at the moment.

That’s why I thought we would throw in this bonus podcast all about how to give your residence a boost.  If you can actively boost your resilience, 2020 is also a year of opportunity due to changing habits of people and the fact that change is even more common place than in the past.

Before I get into it, as ever, welcome to the pod whether you are brand new to us or a long-term listener.  Just as a quick reminder, all of our podcasts with transcripts can also be accessed via our website along with tonnes of extra development content such as webinars, whitepapers, blogs and new content is published weekly.

So resilience…


What do I mean by resilience?

Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; having the adaptability to change; to ‘go with the flow’ to a point. It could be anything from dealing with everyday pressures of workload to managing significant workplace changes that could affect both your business and your employees.

Leaders face challenges every day, and how you deal with setbacks of any kind demonstrates your level of resilience. The more resilient you are, the more you’ll be able to bounce back from setbacks, show strength in times of uncertainty and experience growth in adversity.

Your resilience is a bit like a muscle, and you can train it to work better for you. By becoming more resilient, you’ll avoid dwelling on failures, and enable yourself and your team to learn from mistakes and move on.

So, how do you build your resilience? Let me share with you three ways to get started.


First: remember to self-care…pay attention and start to prioritise

Taking time to look after your mental and physical health will reinforce your resilience. After all, you need to be on top form to enable you to be a strong and motivational leader.

So, take time out to nourish your soul, exercise, recharge your batteries and enjoy time with friends and family. It will rebuild your resilience muscle and see you return to the workplace ready to take on challenges and lead with power and confidence.


Next: keep things in perspective…very important

What happens to you does not define you as a person.

It’s crucial to keep events and challenges separate from who you are. Manage your mindset by staying positive and acknowledging that while these may form part of your life experience, they don’t need to overtake you.

Additionally, remember not to be too judgemental on yourself. We all strive to be perfect, but to develop your resilience; you need to cut yourself some slack.

In other words, sometimes good is good enough.


And finally, create space to think

In a hectic workplace where days flash by, and you’re dealing with multiple tasks, it’s easy to forget to allow yourself time to think.

By freeing up space in your diary, you provide the opportunity for creative thinking that can spark innovative ideas

Organising your time to allow flexibility will help build your resilience against getting bogged down in the minutia of everyday office life, give you time reflect and free your mind for inspiration to strike!

So, make sure to free up some headspace.

I hope these three tips have given you some insights into how you can develop your resilience as a leader.

If you would like to hear more on the subject, we have a great webinar here.

Alternatively, give us a call – below this video is a button – click through to book a chat.