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Mini-Series: Preparing For Your Success In 2022: Embracing Change - Excel

Written by Tom Hallett | Jan 13, 2022 10:36:59 AM

Why Embracing Change is Key to Your 2022 Success

Over here on the Excel blog, we are starting this wonderful new year with an informative, valuable, and hopefully somewhat entertaining bang.

A bang that comes in the shape of a 4-part blogging miniseries, written with the purpose of giving YOU the knowledge that will mean that come December 31st 2022, you will be looking back in absolute awe at what an unreal year you have had.

So, what are the four stops on this journey to 2022 mastery?

Today’s first stop – Managing plot twists in 2022

How can I maintain the drive to confidently keep moving forwards, even when the world flips me upside down onto my shell?

Second stop – Squeezing every gram of growth from 2022

How can I grab every opportunity for personal growth in the next 12 months?

Third stop – Relationship building and influence

How can I effectively communicate, build rapport, and influence others regardless of whether we are together in-person or not?

Fourth and final stop – Using your communicating and influencing superpowers for good

How can I use everything I learned about social versatility and use it to turn my growth in the direction of success at hyper speed?


I say these are stops, however I should stress how important it is to not disembark at any of them.

Each contains a download link to a section of our ‘Excel Handbook of 2022 Success’, today’s will give you the cover of the handbook and page 1 with additional information on change management.

The information in each of these will give you the full 2022 preparation package. Only reading one out of the four would be like building a house and saying “Nah… I don’t need a door or windows”.

Anyway, as I mentioned at the start, we are starting with a bang. And talking of starting with a bang… since when did the traditional New Year firework displays become a firework and drone hybrid? Uhh! We can’t even keep technology out of the ear-assaulting festival of gunpowder and other various dangerous and explosive chemicals that light up the midnight hour. This year I had to dance merrily and sing out-of-tune to Happy New Year by ABBA whilst watching various circuit boards with lights strapped to them fly about above the river Thames. Not sure why this bothers me so much. It actually looks pretty decent. I guess I just need to embrace the change…

See what I did there? I’m proud of it.

Now, this is where I am supposed to talk about the context behind why embracing change will be important in the year ahead, but I may do you a favour and not rattle on about that. Wherever we go, we always seem to be bombarded by reminders of how crazy and unprecedented everything has been since 2020… so let’s scoot past that route.

Instead, let’s look forward with intrigue and giddy excitement. Yes, changes related to what I just avoided speaking about are still very likely to occur, however we are in 2022. We have surfed this mammoth wave of change this far, so let’s have faith in ourselves to stay on the surfboard, and maybe even pop a handstand. It is never a bad idea to arm ourselves with more knowledge to support the experience that we have gained along the way in our lives. When change does come your way, here is how you can maintain confidence in moving forwards.

Don’t forget to download the Excel 2022 Handbook for success right at the bottom of this blog!

 1. Don’t Try to Dodge the Inevitable

Let’s not kid ourselves. However, let’s not fill up with fear at that fact! A world without change would be one of certainty, safety and comfort… and therefore extreme amounts of boredom and monotony. The chaos of the world around us keeps us attentive. It also provides us with the ups and downs that your bestselling autobiography will need in a few decades time.

Your reaction to any changes in 2022 is entirely your choice. Work hard to adapt to the conditions and keep moving towards your goals and targets. Don’t treat changes like some kind of unforeseen quirk because they are not.

2. Control and Support

Change can lead people to act frantically. Like to try and desperately grab onto some kind of life control joystick to hurriedly turn things back to the way they were. However, we can better invest our energy by looking at what is possible, rather than battling with the impossible.

Take note of your new circumstances and jot down the things you have control over, as well as the things that you can do nothing about (Google Steven Covey’s circle of concern and circle of influence for a bit more detail on this). As your control list begins to grow, you will feel the shallowing of what felt like depths of helplessness, doubt, and anxiety, and empowerment rising from beneath.

This really does not need to be a solo activity either. If you find yourself overwhelmed and scared. The support of others can be like a push-start out of the mud to get you on your way to realising that you cannot just learn to survive, you must learn to thrive.

3. Self-care

If there is anything you can guarantee to yourself during a time of change, it is that you will continue to treat yourself with the amount of self-care you truly need.

These practises can become the guaranteed elements of any day that you can always rely on. You can rely on them because they are always there and also because they are vital for your preparation in actioning the opportunities in whatever change is happening.

My dog walks are one of my pillars. I genuinely think taking my pup out provides me with a feeling of zen whatever the weather (literally and figuratively).

 4. Discomfort = Growth + Resilience

Hold onto this during a time of change…Any discomfort you are feeling will benefit you in the future.

You will be an experience richer for it, and your perseverance and bravery will be rewarded with growth and resilience. Acknowledge what is happening during this time, such as the things you are learning, both about yourself and about what is around you. Think about your journey, such as where you started from and all those things you have overcome since and be your own inspiration. Really celebrate your every step into discomfort.


Ensure you retain the key learnings in this blog and the whole mini-series by downloading the Excel 2022 Handbook which will be updated each week here:


Make sure you join us next week on our next stop:

Destination… maximising growth and getting your mindset ready by squeezing every gram of growth from 2022.


Alex & The Excel Team






P.S. If you would like to discuss any of your learning & development challenges for 2022, call us on +44(0) 1628488 854. 

About Excel Communications     

Excel Communications is a learning and development consultancy based near London in the U.K. For more than 30 years; we have been collaborating with clients across the globe. Partnering with Excel empowers you to evolve your people and business by fuelling a love for learning. We work with you to create unforgettably, customised learning experiences to achieve your vision of success and growth, with tangible results. View our case studies here.  We have a team of expert trainers delivering programmes across five continents in multiple languages. Call us now on +44 (0) 1628 488 854.   


If you would like to watch our leadership masterclass recordings, you can access the latest leadership complimentary guide here.