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Are you using the MANNIC Model to develop your team ? - Excel

Written by Rachel Hewitt-Hall | Dec 4, 2014 7:01:32 PM

The Mannic Model of Teams

Teams are like diamonds, in the rough they are unimpressive but polished up their multiple facets glitter. Models and books can each shine a light on one facet of a team but the meta-model (model of all models) has until now been missing. Mandy Bennett and Nic Hallett invested a decade working together with a wide range of global teams to create this meta-model called the MANNIC model, which can be used to:

  • Develop a new or changing team
  • Diagnose a dysfunctional team
  • Define a performing team

The Mannic Model recognises four critical qualities:

  1. Common Purpose
  2. Inter Dependence
  3. Personal Knowledge
  4. Leadership


Common Purpose – effective teams know why they are doing what they do, they recognise the bigger goal, understand the reason. The Purpose doesn’t sit in a frame behind glass in a meeting room it lives and breathes in the hearts and minds of every person.

Inter Dependence – people in productive teams are rarely dependent nor independent because they recognise that they are more effective and efficient when they organise, plan and deliver the Purpose together. This can be formalised task sharing or informal support and coaching best practice.

Personal Knowledge – this quality recognises that when people get to know each other they begin to care, support and develop each other. Succeeding as a team becomes more important than being individually successful at the team’s expense.

Leadership – teams may not need Leaders but they do need leadership to illuminate the common purpose, organise the inter dependence and facilitate personal knowledge. High performing teams never point the finger of blame, at difficult times individuals take the lead and drive performance regardless of job title or expectation.

For more insights into applying the Mannic Model to your new, changing, dysfunctional or high performing team contact us via this link